Page 3 - Reviews - World Organic, Super Silica, 90 Tablets - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Aug 13, 2015
Verified Purchase
Auto-translated from Russian

I do not like half measures, so I try to solve all the problems in a complex way. In the case of the addition of silicon, there was no problem as such. There was simply a desire to strengthen the action of MSM and supplement the daily multivitamin and multimineral complex, since the daily norm of silicon is around 50 mg, and in my multivitamin it is only 2 μg. Silicon strengthens the immune system, helps digest vitamins and minerals, improves skin condition, strengthens blood vessels and joints, legs and hair. In general, silicon can be called a mineral of beauty. So I figured: let the accelerated growth of hair and nails works MSM, and strengthens their silicon. Since the beginning of the reception of silicon, I clearly saw the compaction of the nail plate. As a fan of gel manicure, I sometimes saw the surface of the nail for better adhesion of the material to the surface, and this thins the nail plate. Hair began to fall out. Yes, it is falling out. But not because of baldness, it's just from coconut oil masks and MSM that sleeping bulbs have earned, and old hair gives way to young growth. New hair grows more dense (and I always had very soft and thin hair), to the touch they are slightly stiffer. Again, the sensations of hair became larger, the volume increased. So BAD, of course, I recommend. Moreover, World Organic silicon is obtained from a plant source, and the dosage is optimal. I wish you health, beauty and eternal youth. *** If the review was useful, you know what to do.

Posted on Nov 29, 2016