Page 2 - Reviews - DeVita, Try-Me Kit!, Anti-Aging, 9 Piece Kit - iHerb
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Customer Ratings & Reviews

Posted on Oct 17, 2014
Verified Purchase

I am currently suffering adult hormone acne and find that many of the natural skin care products I have been using just were not helping the situation. I came across this trial kit and have been pleasantly surprised with the products. It seems to have lasted me for a few weeks (I don't over do it with product and find a little goes a long way). The only other product I have supplemented with is a face oil of either rosehip or argan for additional nourishment. The cleanser is effective (may be a little drying if you have really dry skin) and the scrub was very gentle (would be ideal for more sensitive or mature skin). I love both toners but ordered the rose as it contains some really great ingredients to help remove any left over dirt and dead skin cells missed by cleanser/scrub. The aroma is a lovely floral rose (which I absolutely adore the smell) but it is quite strong. Both the glycolic and hyaluronic serums made my skin smooth and seemed to have even helped reduce breakouts. I liked all three of the moisturisers. I had read concerns people were having with the day cream that contains sunscreen and it's application. The formula contains zinc as the active ingredient and it can give your skin a white milky hue but it does settle down after a few minutes. I also found that the less you manipulated the cream once applied to the face, the easier the product was to work with. Some people found that it would ball up a bit when trying to apply foundation, but again, I found that applying foundation straight away would help prevent this problem. Also with most products less is more (especially if wearing make on top of this cream). The outstanding products for me were the rose toner and both serums. I also intend to but the sunscreen moisturiser as I prefer a sunscreens itch safe ingredients like zinc (as long as it is not in the form of nano particles). I was impressed with the ingredient listing of Devita and the fact they avoid loading their products up with many questionable preservatives. This would be a great little travel kit and should easily last you a couple of weeks if you use the products modestly.